In November 2000 I was in Porto Alegre for a few days and I talked through ICQ with some other editors of RES who also lived there. We arranged to meet in a wellknown bar just to get to know each other, everybody was very curious. One of them asked me how tall I was, he thought that since I was Scandinavian, I had to be quite tall. I answered that I wouldn't tell him how tall I was, that he would see by himself, but that I could guarantee he would be surprised.
When we finally met, it was very funny because he had deduced that I had to be exceptionally tall. When he saw me he got even more surprised than he had imagined. It so happens that I am 1,50 meters "short". (*)
The meeting was great and we had several others after that. Time passed and some moved away and we didn't meet any more, but I am still in contact with some of them, and we're still friends.
(*) This was another issue I had to come to terms with intimately as a teenager. At the age of 14 I understood that I wouldn't grow taller that that. I remember exactly where I was standing, thinking to myself, "what now? what do I do? do I accept this gracefully or do I start wearing high heels to try to look taller than I am?". And the answer came so quickly, and it was very practical. I thought, "you know what? I don't like high heels!". Frome then on I have always lived very well with my height (or lack of it). Like, you need to accept what you cannot change.
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