The final "push" that made me give up astrology in particular, and my search in general, was to a great extent because I got to know RES. When I reached this point, the peace I felt was amazing! It was a such a huge sense of relief, like "whew! I don't have to worry about this any more."
There's a community on Orkut that's called "Atheism brings a lot of peace". And the guy who founded it, did it because he saw this sentence that I had posted in another community.
I'm not saying that everybody will, or should, feel that way. To get to this point, first you need to face the negative side of disbelief, the fact that there is no power to protect us. If we can overcome the fear of "cosmic solitude", what comes as a bonus is a fantastic freedom. And this freedom brings an extremely important counterpoint: responsibility. We can't hold anyboby liable except ourselves, we have to assume full responibility for everything we do. And people become even more important, because there won't be a second chance. After somebody dies, what haven't been said or done will never be said or done, so we have to treat people well while they are here with us.
Most horrifying religious massacre in 20th century: The Vatican's holocaust in Nazi Croatia that they concealed from you for decades, playing the vital role in the recent developments in the region, along with the ruthless executioneres world has ever known, in the cruelest death camp of all times, condoned by Roman Catholic Church and their proxies in "Independent State of Croatia" - The truth will finally be heard!!!